
Portable Toilets For Takeaways and Cafes


Portable Toilets For Takeaways and Cafes

The popularity of portable toilets looks set to go through the roof as many more takeaways could suddenly be forced to install a toilet following a recent high court ruling stating that local authorities now have the power to force takeaway premises with very few seats to install toilets. This isn’t merely a musing either as two different branches of Greggs, both of which had less than 10 seats, recently lost a legal battle with Hull council after the judge had ruled that for the council not to have power over such establishments, could lead to them having an unfair advantage over other firms which served food and drink on their premises.

Although the ruling was appealed, concern has now been risen over the fact that it may set a precedent for future cases including around 21,500 takeaways and 5,230 coffee shops across the whole of the United Kingdom, the majority of which also happen to be small, independent businesses.

The director of the British Toilet Association, Raymond Martin has concerns that this could prove to be a major problem stating, “Most of these aren’t going to be able to provide a toilet. Many would be forced to close down.” He also stated however, “It does seem right to provide a toilet if a takeaway allows me to consume food and stay on the premises for a period of time,” he replies diplomatically. “But should we force takeaways to put in toilets? I don’t think we can.” Raymond states the real issue to be the fact that so many public toilets have been lost from cities and town centres over the past few years. The reason behind this is that the law now no longer forces the local authority to provide the public with toilets and as a result, 40% of Britain’s public toilets have been lost in the last ten years alone. We’re losing toilets faster than we’re gaining them. In years past, people would have grabbed food from their local take away and then simply walked into a public toilet later however, that just can’t happen anymore.

While some supermarkets, petrol stations and other commercial stores have stepped in, hopeful that now we’ve used their facilities rather conveniently located right at the back of their store, we’ll be purchasing some of the goods we now have to walk past, it just isn’t enough. Toilets it would seem are the latest trick in the shop seller’s handbook. Something however, must now be done for the small cafes, takeaways and other food outlets of the world.

Thankfully, here at euroloo, we’re here to tell you that providing the public with a toilet needn’t be as difficult as you first thought it was. Would you believe a simple, self-contained and affordable portable toilet could rectify everything? Whether you’d like to hire a toilet for the foreseeable future while you install one or would prefer to purchase a portable toilet of your own, we can help. The new precedent set needn’t close your business down. It needn’t affect your livelihood as much as you first thought. All thanks to a portable toilet. For more information on how we might be able to help, simply contact us today!

Portable Toilets For Takeaways and Cafes

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